How To Choose the Right Cat Boarding Facility

cat boarding miami

How to Choose the Right Cat Boarding Facility

We always want the best for our furry friends, and picking a cat boarding facility can be a tough job. You’ve spent a bunch of time Googling pet boarding in Miami, reading reviews, and trying to figure out which one is going to make your cat happiest in your absence. As a cat owner myself, I know the feeling! That’s why I’m sharing some of my top tips for choosing the right cat boarding facility.

It all starts with a tour…

Don’t bother calling ahead; you want to see what the place is like on any given day! Ask them for a look around. A good facility should have nothing to hide, and will gladly give you a tour. Remember to keep your hands out of kennels and suites for your own safety, and stay out of the way of other employees at work.

Take a whiff…

cat boarding miamiAs much as we love our pets, no one wants to walk into a place that smells like old cat urine. Take a deep breath. Does it smell like it hasn’t been cleaned in a while? Keep in mind, because you’re going in unannounced, it IS possible that a pet has just used the restroom and is contributing to the smell. It happens! Check to see if an employee is going to clean it up.

Ask some important questions…

Not sure what those questions should be? At Scottie Paws, we get a number of questions about cat boarding and have answered the most frequently asked ones below. If you’re not located near us, feel free to use these questions to help your search!

1. Is there a special space for cats, like suites or enclosures?

At Scottie Paws, we offer both kennels and specialty cat enclosures, complete with a cat house (a favorite among our feline friends!).

2. What’s the emergency protocol? Is there a designated emergency vet?

We monitor all pets for signs of illness, and you can bet we will call you immediately if an emergency arises. We will also take your cat to an emergency vet if necessary.

3. What’s the cleaning schedule? What products are used?

We clean daily and after any pet accidents that occur using specialty, pet-safe cleaning productscat boarding miami made specifically for grooming salons to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria. Suites, enclosures, and kennels are deep-cleaned between stays as well.

We also use only our own stainless steel bowls for food and water, which are swapped out and washed twice daily. Why? Plastic bowls harbor bacteria and can cause acne in pets; stainless bowls do not.

4. What’s the feeding schedule?

We provide feedings twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. If your pet has special needs, we will work to accommodate them!

5. How often is litter scooped?

We scoop litter twice daily – once in the morning, and once in the evening.

6. Is brushing or one-on-one playtime offered?

Of course! You can also add on any cat grooming services so your kitty goes home fresh and clean.

7. Can I bring my own bedding, litter, and toys?

cat boarding miami

Absolutely! Boarding can be stressful, and we want your cat to feel as comfortable as possible. The familiar smell of their own bed, toys, and litter will reduce stress and remind them of their home and their favorite person in the universe- YOU!

In order to keep our air fresh, we ask that you please bring clumping litter.

Now that you know what to look for, we hope you choose Scottie Paws, located in Miami, FL for your cat’s next boarding stay. We would love to have you!

cat boarding miami

Don’t Be a Statistic: 5 Pet Safety Tips for the 4th of July

pet safety miami

5 pet safety tips for the 4th of july

Did you know that July 5th is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters? It’s true! According to American Humane, more pets are lost on the 4th of July than any other. Dogs and cats afraid of the fireworks flee their homes and are often found many miles away, exhausted and too disoriented to find their way back home. Focus on your pet’s safety this 4th of July with our 5 easy to follow tips, and don’t be another July 5th statistic.

1. Let Fido skip the fireworks.

It’s so tempting to bring our pups along to enjoy the view, but pet safety is important. Noisy fireworks are enough to spook even the most confident of dogs! Keep your dogs and cats safe, and bring them inside before the fireworks show starts!

Remember, a dog can hear sounds up to four times farther than humans. So, when that fireworks show starts, even if it sounds pretty far away to you, it will be much louder (and scarier) to your dog!

2. Thundershirts and calming sprays are your best friend’s best friend.

pet safety miami

If your dog is anxious about loud noises, it’s okay! There are many great options out there, including Thundershirts and, our personal favorite, PetzLife’s @-Eaze, a fast-acting, all-natural anti-anxiety gel to add to your dog’s food 1-hour before the stressful event (available for sale at Scottie Paws!). We love the ease and calming effects of @-Eaze, and highly recommend it for your pet.

3. Leave the TV on. Yes, we’re serious.

A little white noise, like a TV show or the radio, can help drown out the sound of fireworks. Treat them to a little Animal Planet or your favorite cartoon- it can help!


It never hurts to double check your pet’s tags and microchips. If they’re chipped, be sure the chip record is up to date with your contact information. Ensure both your dogs and cats are wearing their collars with up to date rabies and ID tags. If they accidentally get out of your home and are picked up by a shelter or a good samaritan, these tags are the best way to make sure you’re reunited with your bestie.

pet safety miami
pet safety miami


It’s hard to say no to puppy dog eyes. Believe me, we have to do it all the time (and hate it every time!). But saying no to all that tasty human food can save your dog’s life- and their stomach. Bone shards can cause serious damage to a dog’s intestinal tract, and those burgers and hot dogs can cause diarrhea. Pick up some tasty dog treats at your local pet store to combat those puppy eyes and skip the doggy bag!

From all of us here at Scottie Paws, we hope you and your pets have a safe and happy 4th of July!

pet boarding